In my Own Voice
Poet Statement, Maker Observation
My Goal is to Enjoy Simply Being as an Inter-Being
I feel as if the work I came to accomplish is complete, I am in the process of "mopping up" by way of legacy manifestation and simply saying yes to positive emotions, enjoyment, relaxation, and the freedom to continue to create for the sheer wonder and joy of creating, and how that grows the soul.
me ke aloha!
A few things that still hold true
I have written a lot of artist statements over the years, and I think I am beyond that, at a different place in life, but I offer a few notes. I understand myself in the context of history now, and I also know who I am, or at least I have a grasp in relation to this unique process of self-discovery, and what my remaining kuleana is.
Although I have been transformed by the life choice to devote a chunk of my life to the arts, there are things that hold relevant, as belief systems and perspectives grow and evolve as this odyssey called life continues.
Things that still remain true:
The greatest work of art of all, is creation herself, and we as a species, I as a sliver of the human soul, in harmony or disharmony (questing harmony) with you as a sliver of the human soul, a part of our collective soul, we are a part of this wondrous dance. A dance that at times feels/seems hideous and unbearable and horrific, and at times feels/seems incredibly profound and gorgeous. I continue to look to nature for companionship, healing, inspiration, and a deeper discovery of what it means to be human, during this phase of earthʻs evolution. Yes, this holds true for me, creation herself, the best, and she is a thing of integrity and honesty, and these values, I lean into, still.
Innovation, while I continue to plug away at studying the work of those who have gone away, and practicing techniques developed by others, I very much enjoy innovation, and playing with the latest toys/tools, such as Chatgpt, and Adobe Firefly, both which I have ethical questions about, for creative exploration.
I breathe in and out of different mediums, and still am drawn to painting, drawing, sculpting, experimental work, poetry, creative writing, singing, songwriting, and this, in recent years, has expanded to crafting sacred ceremonies, and holding circles for visionary type work as co-creative makers imagining a more holistic and harmonious world.
I remain happy, and feel joy, when I am creating.
The work, is medicine, for myself, for the world, in the indigenous sense of medicine.
note to self: with these carousel of images, figure out how to size them, so you see the whole image.