You Are Better
Nov. 13, 2023
There is a newly discovered online hook, into another rabbit hole, that has entered this field of awareness, and on it, an acquaintance, I occassionally stalk, who is no longer in my life, curious about how she is, and how she is doing. There are so many who have come and gone, and one canʻt help but wonder, with those that have gone, how one has always been the initiator in relationship, and how it gets tiring, to reach out and connect, and have it largely fall flat, so I set the intending to let go of this habit of stalking old acquaintences, and welcome fresh energy of those who reciprocate, who give beauty back, in a healthy sort of way.
I thank this being for her inspiration, reading a post, about a need to be the prettiest, the smartest, the most creative.
You are More
You are more pretty than the stars
because your beauty is attuned to their song
and together when you sing
this beauty is a blessing to the world
You are more smarter than your brain
because your brain is connected to infinite intelligence
the field with no boundaries, no rules, no regulations
you use this infinite intelligence as a blessing for earth
and join her in her dance
as she heals herself
you are more creative than any singular artist
because your heart is seeking and questing and open and vulnerable
saying yes to authenticity
your creativity is a conduit
a blessing for the seen as well as unseen, known as well as unknown
we see you
I see you
we hear you
I heart you
Blessings on brave and vulnerable shares
into the chaos that is this moment
sifting and settling into the dark spaces in our inner worlds
little bright lights
twinkling and winking
mischievous and magical
let our shadows be spread thin
a spicy sweet chutney
in between layers of fresh baked intention
digested with care
a gift
of processing, clearing, cleansing, and mending
may this pearl that is forming
may it be enough
to hold close and dear
in your own heart
you are enough
you deserve to exist