Early Work Bundle One
Early Career
Early Career
While I had arts training in high school, and took life sculpture in college, and took some design and silkscreen classes right after high school, when I returned to drawing in my 20s, I was delighted by the process, and delighted that a life drawing practice partnered the dance practice. I put notes about this in the YouTube Video, which will be viewable, after it is time to shed this body. So much love!
Smugmug Gallery of Images
Smugmug Gallery of Images
Internet Archive
Internet Archive
I uploaded the images here as well, but note, one loses the gallery impact of the images alone. Experimenting here. Yes, if you upload a video, it will show the video, but you canʻt view the images. They should be uploaded separately.
Drawings Alone
Drawings Alone
Video Montage Made from this Collection
Video Montage Made from this Collection